Managing feeds

For some this post might look like really old stuff, but then I thought when there are 55 million bloggers, there are some who are just starting on their blog would like to know about the feeds(You see this blog is just moths old and barely 5 posts ;). Hence this post !

Most of the blogging tools publish feeds when ever you publish and this is configurable you may choose to publish the feed, or partially publish the or not publish at all. If you are publishing feeds, people can use feed readers to read your blog. They need not keep checking your blog for updates. But some people want readers to come to their blog and read, but they do not want loose the capability to informing the readers about the new post available and restrict the feed to be partially available.

When the number of feed readers increase you may want use tools like Feedburner. Additional benefits

  • feeds are standardized and allow users get the feed of their choice (eg, RSS1.0, RSS2.0, Atom ) etc.
  • Provides stats on subscribers.
  • Provides chicklets different feed readers such as google reader, yahoo, blog lines
  • Allows to notify multiple services such as Google Blog search, yahoo, pingomatic etc when you publish the blog
  • There is feed via email as well !
  • And many more features provided ...
If you are happy by displaying a large number of chicklets with names of feed readers then this is the place to go iFeeReader Chiklet Creator, they also have social bookmark creator !


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